Improved customer service


Point of sale becomes point of service

Faster, further, more efficient: The digitization of POS solutions in stationary retail is becoming increasingly important. The reason for this is the increasingly demanding and better informed customer. Nowadays, their needs determine the performance of retailers very precisely. Any retailer who fails to keep pace here will quickly be left behind by numerous competitors and alternative online offerings. But those who implement the right solutions in their retail stores can win over customers with outstanding shopping experiences and on-site services and retain them in the long term. The factors of time and precision play the decisive roles here.

Be quick to react and remain productive at the same time: The digitization of commerce is by no means just an issue in e-commerce. With the right digital solutions, you can significantly improve the buying experience, especially in retail - and thus also your black figures. So offer your employees the optimal working environment with the tools they need. Because if your employees can work quickly and accurately on site, your customers will also be convinced of the more efficient service in the store. And the result: more satisfied customers who enjoy buying from you more often. How have you digitized your brick-and-mortar retail operations to improve customer service?

Mobile data capture: optimizing the POS

Positive buying experience for sustainable customer loyalty

The challenge

Making complicated things simple: When goods need to be picked, the right technology should be available - from handheld scanners to operating systems. Outdated concepts such as pen and list and the manual transfer of data to Excel lists on the computer or ERP system are too prone to error. In addition, unnecessarily long picking processes result in "blocked" employees who are missing out on customer service at the POS. The assembly of goods must therefore be faster on the one hand and less prone to human error on the other. So that and your employees can focus on the real big challenge in retail: Providing high quality customer service to attract new customers and retain existing ones. In addition, more precise picking can enable data-driven changes in various areas - such as marketing decisions or process optimization in the warehouse.

Mobile computers and scanners for mobile data collection

Our solution

Our mobile data capture devices support almost all important processes in retail. Whether QR code scanners, barcode scanners or RFID solutions: They are used wherever your employees previously had to process data manually. They simplify and accelerate processes many times over - with maximum precision thanks to error-free data capture. From automated checkout systems with self-checkout for customers at the POS to data HHT for fast, secure goods management to mobile computers for improved communication thanks to real-time data capture - with the help of our mobile data capture solutions, your employees can concentrate more on customer service. One example: thanks to the real-time data on the handheld devices, your employees have an overview of the current stock at all times and can advise customers accordingly quickly - without losing sight of them due to awkward runs to the warehouse. One of many key benefits to delivering on your customer promise of convenience, availability, quality and authenticity. And improved customer service can have a direct impact on sales, especially in retail.

More customer satisfaction and sales

Your advantages

With our data capture devices, your POS becomes not only a data-driven point of sale, but also an exemplary service point with numerous benefits for your company, your employees and, of course, your customers:

  • More efficient processes
  • Highest process reliability
  • Great time savings
  • Higher quality customer service
  • Real-time data
  • Error-free data collection
  • Robust hardware with ergonomic design
  • Modern image of your company
  • Individual interaction at the POS
  • Improved communication
  • High level of customer satisfaction


At a glance.


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